Friday 10 October 2014

MadStreet Workout Intro

''Street workout''

What do words ''street workout'' even mean? Well, most of the people are familiar with those words because street workout became very popular lately because it's simplicity and great effect on your physical and psychical health and strenght. In general, street workout represents physical activity that people perform usually outdoor in specific parks known as ''the street workout parks''. But that doesn't have to be the real meaning because you can do street workout basically anywhere you want and anytime you want. Well, that's the beauty in street workout because you don't have to make excuses for not doing your workout like ''my gym is to far'' or ''the gym might me loaded with people''. The main idea of street workout is to workout every time you can and if you only have 10 minutes of free time a day then work the sh*t out of those 10 minutes and remember one simple thing: NO EXCUSES. On this blog I'm going to post street workout routines or plans for different body parts (abs,chest,arms and so on) so stay tuned.